- 0. Introduction
- 00. Introduction
- 01. Board of Directors
- 01. Recruitment and Promotional Materials
- 01. Scope
- 02. Admissions Procedures and Requirements
- 02. Aim of the Study, Purpose of the Exam, Academic Degree
- 02. President
- 03. Administrative Committee
- 03. Program Length and Awarding of Credit
- 03. Study Requirements
- 04. Academic Dean
- 04. Awarding of Transfer Credit
- 04. Standard Period of Study, Structure of Study
- 05. Academic Calendars, Grading Practices and Refund Policies
- 05. Director of Graduate Studies
- 05. Study Requirements and Credit Points
- 06. Dean of Studies
- 06. Nature, Structure and Scope of the Examinations, Deadlines
- 06. Student Rights and Complaints