As the Director of the school, the President is responsible for the general welfare and progress of the Seminary. The President is directly responsible to the Board of Directors for the administration of the institution and indirectly accountable to the General Director of World Missions and the World Missions Board.
- After consultation with the Field Director and the ETS Board of Directors the General Director of World Missions shall nominate and the World Missions Board shall appoint
- Shall be appointed to a four-year term of office
- Shall have a budget recommended and approved by the World Missions Board.
- Shall have a heart for Europe
- Shall be a committed Christian with spiritual leadership abilities
- Shall have faith and vision
- Shall be a bridge builder
- Shall be an experienced leader
- Shall be able to implement change
- Shall be experienced in guiding human resources
- German language abilities are helpful, but not required
- Shall be an experienced churchman who knows and believes in the Church of God
- Shall hold at least a Masters degree
- Shall be exemplary of the school’s goals
- Shall be the chief executive of the Seminary with full responsibility for its general welfare and progress
- Shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Directors, after consulting with the chairperson
- Shall prepare, with the assistance of the Financial Officer, an annual budget for submission to the Board of Directors
- Shall determine all members of the administration, faculty and staff with the Field Director and General Director.
- Shall administer policies established by the Board of Directors
- Shall cooperate with the Master Plan of Education set by the World Missions Board
- Shall moderate all faculty meetings or appoint a moderator
- Shall invite chapel speakers and guest speakers for special occasions (e.g. school openings/graduation, convocation, etc.)
- Shall stay informed of pertinent developments in the field of education, particularly those relevant to the welfare of ETS
- Shall work to ensure the quality of student life
- Shall control the administration of the budget and disbursement of funds
- Shall supervise fund-raising and promotional programs
- Shall represent ETS at denominational conventions and conferences
- Shall represent ETS at professional educational societies and conferences
- Shall determine and approve all faculty and staff positions and salaries along with the General Director, Field Director and ETS Board Chairman