- 19. Admission to Examinations
- 2. Responsibility of Lee University
- 2.1. Academic Programs
- 2.1. Statement of Purpose
- 2.1.1. Master of Arts
- 2.1.2. Ausbildung zum Gemeindehelfer
- 2.1.3. Katecheten und Jugend-/Kinderdienstleiter
- 2.1.4. Grundkurs
- 2.2. Accreditation
- 2.2. Institutional Goals
- 2.3. Credit Transfer
- 2.3. Theological Commitment
- 2.4. Academic Calendar
- 2.5. Record Keeping
- 2.6. Attendance Policy
- 2.7. Examination and Grading Policy
- 20. Implementation of Module and Partial Module Tests
- 21. Resignation, Default, Deception, Violation of Regulations
- 22. Passing Exams
- 23. Final Failure of the Master's Examination