TeacherDr. C. Simpson
SemesterFallDuration8 Weeks
FrequencyEvery three years
Credits5 ECTSWorkload125-150 Hours
Module formatIntensive
ApplicabilityThis Module shows the unique development of Pentecostalism in Germany and how this changed through time. It is applicable to the Lutheran Reception, contemporary, and Pentecostal theology modules.
Course structureSee module and courses
Contact time35-45 HoursSelf-Study105-125 Hours
Participation requirementSee access to the program
Phase 15020%
Readings & Journal
Phase 24030%
Phase 36050%
Research Paper
Content of the ModuleThis module is an in-depth study of the life and ministry of Jonathan Paul, Lutheran Pastor and early pioneer of the Pentecostal Movement in Germany. Much use will be made of primary sources to analyze the growth of the Pentecostal Movement in Germany in the early part of the twentieth century and later developments after World War II.
Learning Objectives

General Learning Objectives

  1. To understand the history of the Pentecostal Church in Germany.
  2. To be able to analyze and discuss the theological approaches that have impacted Twentieth Century German Pentecostalism.
  3. Provide the background for reflection on the role of the key European figures who contributed to the development of the Pentecostal Movement in Germany.
  4. Enhance the understanding of nationalistic, sociological, and cultural aspects of the Pentecostal Movement in Germany.

Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate a chronological understanding of the history of German Pentecostalism
  2. Analyze the theological approaches of Twentieth Century Pentecostalism in Germany.
  3. Appraise the importance of the individuals and groups who shaped the German Pentecostal Movement.
  4. Compare and contrast the effects of nationalism and culture on the sociological development of Pentecostalism in Germany.
  5. Examine the importance of German Pentecostalism to the global Pentecostal movement.
Outline1. An illustrated Biopic of Jonathan Paul (1853-1931)
2. The Effect of Early 20th-Century Revivals on Germany
3. The Hamburg Conference 1908
4. The Berlin Declaration 1909
5. Growth Despite Opposition 1910
6. The Mülheim Movement
7. Later Developments of German Pentecostalism
ExaminationSee Evaluation
Core Literature

Clark, Paul. Die Grundung von Pfingstgemeinden in Deutschland, 1945-2005. Bad Dürkheim, Priority, 2011.
________German Pentecostal Church Planting 1945-2005. Benton Harbor, MI: Priority Publishing, 2011.
Schmidgall, Paul. European Pentecostalism, 2011.
Simpson, Carl. ‘A Critical Evaluation of the Contribution of Jonathan Paul to the Development of the German Pentecostal Movement’. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glyndŵr, 2011.

Reading List:
Dietze, Reimer. Deutschlands freikirchliche Pfingstbewegung auf dem Vormarsch: Ihr Weg von den Anfängen bis zur Gründung der “Arbeitsgemeinschaft” 1947. Erzhausen, Germany: Manuscript available from the Author, 1993.
Eisenlöffel, Ludwig. Freikirchliche Pfingstbewegung in Deutschland: Innenansichten 1945-1985. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2006.
Fleisch, Paul. Die Pfingstbewegung in Deutschland. Hannover: Heinr. Feesch Verlag. 1957.
________. Geschichte der Pfingstbewegung in Deutschland von 1900 bis 1950. 2d ed. Marburg Lahn, Germany: Francke Verlag, 1983.
Giese, Ernst. Jonathan Paul, Ein Knecht Jesu Christi, Leben und Werk, 2. Auflage. Altdorf: Missionsbuchhandlung, 1965.
________. Und Flicken die Netze. Dokumente zur Erweckungsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Marburg: Giese, 1976.
Hampel, Dieter, Richard Krüger, and Gerhard Oertel. Der Auftrag bleibt: Der Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden auf dem Weg ins dritte Jahrtausend. Erzhausen, Germany: Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden, 2009.
Holthaus, Stephan. Die Berliner Erklärung: Ihre Vorgeschichte und ihr Zustandekommen. Bibelbund e.V., mit freundlicher Genehmigung. Erschienen als Sonderdruck des Bibelbundes, Nr. 185, 1996.
________. “90 Jahre Berliner Erklärung: Ihre Vorgeschichte und ihr Zustandekommen”. F.T.A. Giessen, 1999.
Junghardt, Adelheid and Ekkehart Vetter. Ruhrfeuer. Mülheim a.d. Ruhr: Christus Gemeinde, 2004.
Krust, Christian H. 50 Jahre Deutsche Pfingstbewegung Mülheimer Richtung. Altdorf Missionsbuchhandlung, 1958.

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