1.4.1 Quiet Time

Quiet time hours are enforced for all persons in the house during the following times:
23:00 - 7:00 hours. Non-resident students must be aware that the doors will be locked during this time.

1.4.2 Meals

Graduate students may register online for meals before each study week at ETS but note that all meals shall be eaten in the dining room, and no food removed from there. A bill for meals ordered will be presented at the end of the study week. No food or drinks are to be taken into the Classrooms, Reading Room, Chapel, or Library.

1.4.3 Lifestyle Expectations

Graduate students will be expected to adhere to all of the rules and policies of ETS and Lee University while on campus which is smoke-free, alcohol-free, and drug-free. Graduate students are expected to respect campus norms.
Sexual harassment, unwelcome sexual advances, extra- or premarital sexual conduct, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature will not be tolerated on campus. Students who are subjected to harassment should promptly contact the Dean.

1.4.4 Fire Safety

Open flame fires, such as candles are not allowed in the dormitory areas or lounge areas. Fireworks are prohibited. Fire extinguishers are readily accessible on each floor of the building. Students should familiarize themselves with the fire escapes in case of emergency. A Fire Drill may be carried out without warning. In the event of fire all students and staff must evacuate the building immediately and assemble at the assembly point on the car park.

1.4.5 E-Mail and Internet Access

For each student, a personal e-mail address can be provided during their time at ETS.
E-mails may be sent and received and internet access, but students will be responsible for all costs incurred through internet use.

1.4.6 School Secretary

The school secretary's office is open, according to the hours posted. There is a list, where requests can be written.

1.4.7 Change of Address, e-mail, or telephone number

If you change your postal address, e-mail address, or telephone number please inform the ETS office immediately.