The school administration retains the right to change the regulations of the school which includes the Student Handbook. When changes are made, the student body must be given a two-week notice. This notice can be given either by public announcement in a scheduled student body function or written document. After the two-week notification period, the changes come into effect. 

Students may also bring proposed changes to school administration for consideration through the following process:

  1. The suggested revision is first submitted to the student‘s class for discussion, revision, and voting. The suggested change must have a majority vote of the class in order to go beyond this stage.
  2. The revision is then submitted to a meeting of the class speakers for discussion, revision, and voting. It again must have a majority vote of the class speakers in order to go further.
  3. It is next submitted by the class speakers to the faculty and staff for their discussion.
  4. When a proposal also receives a favorable hearing in the called faculty/staff meeting, it will then be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled faculty/staff meeting for discussion and for final approval/rejection.
  5. In the event a proposal is approved, the student body will be given a two-week notice. This notice can be given either by public announcement at a scheduled student body function or by a written document. After the two-week notification period, the changes come into effect.